Lama Dog FC 8:0 2022-Jan-16 09:00 AM Miramonte FC Royal Puma FC 2:4 2022-Jan-16 11:00 AM Inter Milan United Independiente POSTPONED 2022-Jan-16 01:00 PM Rockstar FC SB Crew 0:4 2022-Jan-16 03:00 PM Deportivo Limoneros
Upper Field6/10/2018 Press Room 2018-Jun-10 11:00 AMPress Room Deportivo Limoneros FC Quanah 2018-Jun-10 01:00 PMFC Quanah Goleta FC
We hope that your families are safe given the tragic event in Montecito. Our thoughts are focused on the recovery of our community in the wake of Mother Nature Several members of SUSL are impacted. Team members can't make it to town, the referees are also blocked from getting here. Most of us are 1
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Games resume Sunday January 7, 2018 from the holiday break. See you all on the field! VIEW SCHEDULE
Week 5 games scheduled for December 10, 2017 are POSTPONED due to poor air quality. For updates on the Thomas Fire visit Please stay safe everyone. -- SUSL Board